API Reference ************* .. current-library:: binary-data .. current-module:: binary-data Overview ======== This describes the API available from binary-data. It is organized in the following sections, depending on different demands: using binary data in a tool, extending with a custom binary format, and the internal API. Class hierarchy =============== The class hierarchy is rooted in ````. Several direct subclasses exist, some are ``open`` and may be subclassed. Only those combinations of direct subclasses which were needed until now are defined (there might be need for other combinations in the future). .. class:: :abstract: :description: The abstract superclass of all frames, several generic functions are defined on this class. :superclasses: :drm:`` :operations: - :gf:`parse-frame` - :gf:`assemble-frame` - :gf:`summary` .. class:: :abstract: :description: The abstract superclass of all frames without any further structure. :superclasses: :class:`` :operations: - :gf:`read-frame` .. class:: :abstract: :description: The abstract superclass of all frames with a static length. The specialization of :gf:`frame-size` calls :gf:`field-size` on the object class of the given instance. :superclasses: :class:`` .. class:: :abstract: :description: The abstract superclass of all frames with a variable length. :superclasses: :class:`` .. class:: :abstract: :description: The abstract superclass of all frames with a conversion into a native Dylan type. :superclasses: :class:`` .. class:: :abstract: :description: Abstract superclass of all frames with a custom class instance. :superclasses: :class:`` .. class:: :abstract: :description: Abstract superclass for fixed sized frames without a translation :superclasses: :class:``, :class:`` .. class:: :abstract: :description: Abstract superclass for variable sized frames without a translation. This is the direct superclass of :class:``. :superclasses: :class:``, :class:`` .. class:: :abstract: :open: :description: Superclass of all fixed size leaf frames with a translation, mainly used for bit vectors represented as Dylan :drm:`` :superclasses: :class:``, :class:``, :class:`` .. class:: :abstract: :open: :description: Superclass of all variable size leaf frames with a translation (currently unused) :superclasses: :class:``, :class:``, :class:`` .. class:: :abstract: :open: :description: Superclass of all fixed size leaf frames without a translation, mainly used for byte vectors (IP addresses, MAC address, ...), see its subclass :class:``. :superclasses: :class:``, :class:`` .. class:: :abstract: :open: :description: Superclass of all variable size leaf frames without a translation (for example class :class:`` and class :class:``) :superclasses: :class:``, :class:`` .. class:: :description: A concrete zero size leaf frame without a translation. This frame type can be used as one of the types of a variably-typed field to make the field optional. A field with a type is considered to be missing from the container frame. Conversion of a to string or vice versa is not supported (because it wouldn't make much sense). :superclasses: :class:`` .. class:: :abstract: :open: Superclass of all binary data definitions using the :macro:`define binary-data` macro. :superclasses: :class:`` :operations: - :gf:`frame-name` - :gf:`fields` - :gf:`field-count` - :gf:`packet` .. class:: :open: :abstract: Superclass of all binary data definitions which support layering, thus have a header and payload. :superclasses: :class:`` :description: The method :gf:`payload` projects the payload of the header frame. The method :gf:`payload-setter` is also defined. The specialized method :gf:`fixup!` calls :gf:`fixup!` on the payload of the header frame instance. :operations: - :gf:`payload` - :gf:`payload-setter` - :gf:`fixup!` .. class:: :open: :abstract: Superclass of all binary data definitions which have an abstract header followed by more fields. In the header a specific :class:`` determines which subclass to instantiate. :superclasses: :class:`` Tool API ======== Parsing Frames -------------- .. generic-function:: parse-frame :open: Parses the given binary packet as frame-type, resulting in an instance of the frame-type and the number of consumed bits. :signature: parse-frame *frame-type* *packet* #rest *rest* #key #all-keys => *result* *consumed-bits* :parameter frame-type: Any subclass of ````. :parameter packet: The byte vector as ````. :parameter #rest rest: An instance of ````. :value result: An instance of the given frame-type. :value consumed-bits: The number of bits consumed as ```` .. generic-function:: read-frame :open: Converts a given string to an instance of the given leaf frame type. :signature: read-frame *frame-type* *string* => *frame* :parameter frame-type: An instance of ``subclass()``. :parameter string: An instance of ````. :value frame: An instance of ````. Assembling Frames ----------------- .. generic-function:: assemble-frame Produces a binary vector representing this frame. All field fixup functions are called. :signature: assemble-frame *frame* => *packet* :parameter frame: An instance of :class:``. :value packet: An instance of ````. Information about Frames ------------------------ .. generic-function:: frame-size :open: Returns the length in bits for the given frame. :signature: frame-size *frame* => *length* :parameter frame: An instance of ````. :value length: The size in bits, an instance of ````. .. generic-function:: summary :open: Returns a human-readable customizable (in binary-data-definer) string, which summarizes the frame. :signature: summary *frame* => *summary* :parameter frame: An instance of :class:``. :value summary: An instance of :drm:``. .. generic-function:: packet :open: Underlying byte vector of the given :class:``. :signature: packet *frame* => *byte-vector* :parameter frame: An instance of :class:``. :value byte-vector: An instance of :class:``. .. generic-function:: parent :sealed: If the frame is a payload of another layer, returns the frame of the upper layer, false otherwise. :signature: parent *frame* => *parent-frame* :parameter frame: An instance of :class:`` or :class:`` :value parent-frame: Either the :class:`` of the upper layer or ``#f`` Information about Frame Types ----------------------------- .. generic-function:: fields :open: Returns a vector of :class:`` for the given :class:`` :signature: fields *frame-type* => *fields* :parameter frame-type: Any subclass of :class:``. :value fields: A :drm:`` containing all fields. .. note:: Current API also allows instances of ````, should be revised .. generic-function:: frame-name :open: Returns the name of the frame type. :signature: frame-name *frame-type* => *name* :parameter frame-type: Any subclass of :class:``. :value name: A :drm:`` with the human-readable frame name. .. note:: Current API also allows instances of ````, should be revised Fields ------ Syntactic sugar in the :macro:`define binary-data` domain-specific language instantiates these fields. .. class:: :abstract: The abstract superclass of all fields. :superclasses: :drm:`` :keyword name: The name of this field. :keyword fixup: A unary Dylan function computing the value of this field, used if no default is supplied and none provided by the client, defaults to ``#f``. :keyword init-value: The default value if the client did not provide any, default `$unsupplied `_. :keyword static-end: A Dylan expression determining the end, defaults to :const:`$unknown-at-compile-time`. :keyword static-length: A Dylan expression determining the length, defaults to :const:`$unknown-at-compile-time`. :keyword static-start: A Dylan expression determining the start, defaults to :const:`$unknown-at-compile-time`. :keyword dynamic-end: A unary Dylan function computing the end, defaults to ``#f``. :keyword dynamic-length: A unary Dylan function computing the length, defaults to ``#f``. :keyword dynamic-start: A unary Dylan function computing the start, defaults to ``#f``. :keyword getter: The getter method to extract this fields value out of a concrete frame. :keyword setter: The setter method to set this fields to a concrete value in a concrete frame. :keyword index: An :drm:`` which is an index of this field in its :class:``. :description: All keyword arguments correspond to a slot, which can be accessed. :operations: - :meth:`field-name()` - :meth:`fixup-function()` - :meth:`init-value()` - :meth:`static-start()` - :meth:`static-length()` - :meth:`static-end()` - :meth:`getter()` - :meth:`setter()` See also * :macro:`define binary-data` * :gf:`fields` .. class:: The class for fields of dynamic type. :superclasses: :class:`` :keyword type-function: A unary Dylan function computing the type of the field, defaults to :func:`payload-type`. See also * :func:`payload-type` * :gf:`lookup-layer` * :gf:`reverse-lookup-layer` .. class:: :abstract: The abstract superclass of all statically typed fields. :superclasses: :class:`` :keyword type: The static type, a subclass of :class:``. :operations: - :meth:`type()` .. note:: restrict type in source code! .. class:: The common field. Nothing interesting going on here. :superclasses: :class:`` .. class:: An enumeration field to map :drm:`` to :drm:``. :superclasses: :class:`` :keyword mapping: A mapping from keys to values as :drm:``. .. class:: The layering field is used in :class:`` and :class:`` to determine the concrete type of the payload or which subclass to use. :superclasses: :class:`` :description: The ``fixup-function`` slot is bound to use the available layering information. No need to specify a fixup. .. class:: :abstract: Abstract superclass of repeated fields. The ``init-value`` slot is bound to ``#()``. :superclasses: :class:`` .. class:: A repeated field whose number of repetitions is determined externally. :superclasses: :class:`` :keyword count: A unary function returning the number of occurences. .. class:: A repeated field whose end is determined internally. :superclasses: :class:`` :keyword reached-end?: A unary function returning a :drm:``. Layering of frames ------------------ .. function:: payload-type The type of the payload, It is just a wrapper around :gf:`lookup-layer`, which returns :class:`` if ``lookup-layer`` returned false. :signature: payload-type *frame* => *payload-type* :parameter frame: An instance of :class:``. :value payload-type: An instance of ````. .. generic-function:: lookup-layer :open: Given a *frame-type* and a *key*, returns the type of the payload. :signature: lookup-layer *frame-type* *key* => *payload-type* :parameter frame-type: Any subclass of :class:``. :parameter key: Any :drm:``. :value payload-type: The resulting type, an instance of ``false-or()``. .. generic-function:: reverse-lookup-layer :open: Given a frame type and a payload, returns the value for the layering field. :signature: reverse-lookup-layer *frame-type* *payload* => *layering-value* :parameter frame-type: Any subclass of :class:``. :parameter payload: Any :class:`` instance. :value value: The returned layering field value, an :drm:``. .. note:: Check whether it can work with other types than integers Database of Binary Data Formats ------------------------------- .. note:: Rename to ``$binary-data-registry`` or similar. Also, narrow types for the functions in this section. .. constant:: $protocols A hash table with all defined binary formats. Insertion is done by a call of :macro:`define binary-data`. :type: :drm:`` :value: Mapping of :drm:`` to subclasses of :class:``. .. function:: find-protocol Looks for the given name in the hashtable :const:`$protocols`. Signals an error if no protocol with the given name can be found. :signature: find-protocol *frame-name* => *frame-type* *frame-name* :parameter frame-name: An instance of :drm:``. :value frame-type: The frame type for the requested frame name, an instance of :drm:``. :value frame-name: The name under which the frame is known in the registry, an instance of :drm:``. .. function:: find-protocol-field Queries a field by name in a given binary data format. Errors if no such field is known in the binary data format. :signature: find-protocol-field *frame-type* *field-name* => *field* :parameter frame-type: The type of a frame, an instance of :drm:``. :parameter field-name: The name of a field, an instance of :drm:``. :value field: An instance of :class:``. Utilities --------- .. generic-function:: hexdump Prints the given *data* in hexadecimal on the given *stream*. :signature: hexdump *stream* *data* => () :parameter stream: An instance of ````. :parameter data: An instance of ````. :description: Prints 8 bytes separated by a whitespace in hexadecimal, followed by two whitespaces, and another 8 bytes. If the given *data* has more than 16 elements, it prints multiple lines, and prefix each with a line number (as 16 bit hexadecimal). .. function:: byte-offset Computes the number of bytes for a given number of bits. A synonym for ``rcurry(ash, 3)``. :signature: byte-offset *bits* => *bytes* :parameter bits: An :drm:``. :value bytes: An :drm:``. .. function:: bit-offset Computes the number of bits which do not fit into a byte for a given number of bits. A synonym for ``curry(logand, 7)``. :signature: bit-offset *bits* => *bits-not-in-byte* :parameter bits: An :drm:``. :value bits-not-in-byte: An :drm:`` between 0 and 7. .. function:: byte-aligned Checks that the given number of bits can be represented in full bytes, otherwise signals an :class:``. :signature: byte-aligned *bits* :parameter bits: An instance of ````. .. generic-function:: data Returns the underlying byte vector of a wrapper object, used for several untranslated leaf frames. :signature: data (object) => (#rest results) :parameter object: An instance of ````. :value #rest results: An instance of ````. .. note:: should be removed from the API, or become internal Errors ------ .. class:: :superclasses: :drm:`` .. class:: :superclasses: :drm:`` .. class:: :superclasses: :drm:`` .. class:: :superclasses: :drm:`` .. class:: :superclasses: :drm:`` .. class:: :superclasses: :drm:`` Extension API ============= Extending Binary Data Formats ----------------------------- This domain-specific language defines a subclass of :class:``, and lots of boilerplate. .. macro:: define binary-data :defining: :macrocall: .. code-block:: dylan define [abstract] binary-data *binary-format-name* ([*super-binary-format*]) [summary *summary*] [;] [over *over-spec* *] [;] [length *length-expression*] [;] [*field-spec*] [;] end :parameter binary-format-name: A standard Dylan class name. :parameter super-binary-format: A standard Dylan name, used superclass. :parameter summary: A Dylan expression consisting of a format-string and a list of arguments. :parameter over-spec: A pair of binary format and value. :parameter length-expression: A Dylan expression computing the length of a frame instance. :parameter field-spec: A list of fields for this binary format. :description: Defines the binary data class *binary-data-name*, which is a subclass of *super-binary-format*. In the body some syntactic sugar for specializing the pretty printer (*summary* specializes :gf:`summary`), providing a custom length implementation (*length* specializes :gf:`container-frame-size`), and provide binary format layering information via *over-spec* (:class:``). The remaining body is a list of *field-spec*. Each *field-spec* line corresponds to a slot in the defined class. Additionally, each *field-spec* instantiates an object of :class:`` to store the static metadata. The vector of fields is available via the method :gf:`fields`. .. code-block:: dylan summary: *format-string* *format-arguments* This generates a method implementation for :gf:`summary`. Each *format-arguments* is applied to the frame instance. .. code-block:: dylan over-spec: *over-binary-format* *layering-value* The *over-binary-format* should be a subclass of :class:`` or :class:``. The *layering-value* will be registered for the specified *over-binary-format*. .. code-block:: dylan field-spec: [*field-attribute*] field *field-name* [:: *field-type*] [= *default-value*], [*keyword-arguments* *] [;] field-attribute: variably-typed | layering | repeated | enum mapping: { *key* <=> *value* } * *field-name*: Each field has a unique *field-name*, which is used as name for the getter and setter methods * *field-type*: The *field-type* can be any subclass of :class:``, required unless ``variably-typed`` attribute provided. * *default-value*: The *default-value* should be an instance of the given *field-type*. * *field-attribute*: Syntactic sugar for some common patterns is available via attributes. - ``variably-typed`` instantiates a :class:``. - ``layering`` instantiates a :class:``. - ``repeated`` instantiates a :class:``. - ``enum`` instantiates a :class:``. * *keyword-arguments*: Depending on the field type, various keywords are supported. Lots of values are standard Dylan expressions, where the current frame object is implicitly bound to ``frame``, indicated by *frame-expression*. - fixup: A *frame-expression* computing the field value if no default was supplied, and the client didn't provide one (handy for length fields). - start: A *frame-expression* computing the start bit of the field in the frame. - end: A *frame-expression* computing the end bit of the field in the frame. - length: A *frame-expression* computing the length of the field. - static-start: A Dylan *expression* stating the start of the field in the frame. - static-end: A Dylan *expression* stating the end of the field in the frame. - static-length: A Dylan *expression* stating the length of the field. - type-function: A *frame-expression* computing the type of this :class:``. - count: A *frame-expression* computing the amount of repetitions of this :class:``. - reached-end?: A *frame-expression* returning a :drm:`` whether this :class:`` has reached its end. - mappings: A *mapping* for :class:`` between values and :drm:`` The list of fields is instantiated once for each binary data definition. If a static start offset, length, and end offset can be trivially computed (using constant folding), this is done during macro processing. Several generic functions can be specialized on the *binary-format-name* for custom behaviour: - :gf:`fixup!` - :gf:`summary` - :gf:`parse-frame` .. note:: rename start, end, length to dynamic-start, dynamic-end, dynamic-length .. note:: Check whether those field attributes compose in some way .. generic-function:: fixup! :open: Fixes data in an assembled container frame. :signature: fixup! *frame* => () :parameter frame: A union of :class:`` and :class:``. Usually specialized on a subclass of :class:``. :description: Used for post-assembly of certain fields, such as checksum calculations in IPv4, ICMP, TCP frames, compression of domain names in DNS fragments. Defining a Custom Leaf Frame ---------------------------- A common structure in binary data formats are subsequent ranges of bits or bytes, each with a different meaning. There are some macros available to define frame types of common patterns. .. generic-function:: field-size :open: Returns the static size of a given frame type. Should be specialized for custom fixed sized frames. :signature: field-size *frame* => *length* :parameter frame: Any subclass of :class:``. :value length: The bit size of the frame type :drm:``. .. generic-function:: high-level-type :open: For translated frames, return the native Dylan type. Otherwise identity. :signature: high-level-type *frame-type* => *type* :parameter frame-type: An instance of ``subclass()``. :value type: An instance of ````. .. generic-function:: assemble-frame-into :open: Shuffle the bits in the given *packet* so that the *frame* is encoded correctly. :signature: assemble-frame-into *frame* *packet* => *length* :parameter frame: An instance of :class:``. :parameter packet: An instance of :class:``. :value length: An instance of :drm:``. .. generic-function:: assemble-frame-into-as :open: Shuffle the bits in the given *packet* so that the *frame* is encoded correctly as the given *frame-type*. :signature: assemble-frame-into-as *frame-type* *frame* *packet* => *length* :parameter frame-type: A subclass of :class:``. :parameter frame: An instance of :drm:``. :parameter packet: An instance of :class:``. :value length: An instance of :drm:``. .. macro:: define n-bit-unsigned-integer :defining: Describes an :drm:`` represented by a bit vector of arbitrary size. :macrocall: .. code-block:: dylan define n-bit-unsigned-integer (*class-name* ; *bits* ) end :parameter class-name: A Dylan class name which is defined by this macro. :parameter bits: The number of bits represented by this frame. :description: Defines the class *class-name* with :class:`` as its superclass. There are several predefined classes of the form ```` with *K* between 1 and 15, and 20. :operations: - :gf:`high-level-type` returns ``limited(, min: 0, max: 2 ^ bits -1)``. - :gf:`field-size` returns *bits*. .. macro:: define n-byte-unsigned-integer :defining: Describes an :drm:`` represented by a byte vector of arbitrary size and encoding (little or big endian). :macrocall: .. code-block:: dylan define n-byte-unsigned-integer (*class-name-prefix* ; *bytes*) end :parameter class-name-prefix: A prefix for the class name which is defined by this macro. :parameter bytes: The number of bytes represented by this frame. :description: Defines the classes *class-name-prefix* ``-big-endian-unsigned-integer>`` (superclass :class:`` and *class-name-prefix* ``-little-endian-unsigned-integer>`` (superclass :class:``. The following classes are predefined: ``<2byte-big-endian-unsigned-integer>``, ``<2byte-little-endian-unsigned-integer>``, ``<3byte-big-endian-unsigned-integer>``, and ``<3byte-little-endian-unsigned-integer>``. :operations: - :gf:`high-level-type` returns ``limited(, min: 0, max: 2 ^ (8 * *bytes*) - 1``. - :gf:`field-size` returns *bytes* * 8. .. macro:: define n-byte-vector :defining: Defines a class with an underlying fixed size byte vector. :macrocall: .. code-block:: dylan define n-byte-vector (*class-name* , *bytes*) end :parameter class-name: A standard Dylan class name. :parameter bytes: The number of bytes represented by this frame. :description: Defines the class *class-name*, as a subclass of :class:``. Calls :macro:`define leaf-frame-constructor` with the given *class-name* (without surrounding angle brackets). :operations: - :gf:`field-size` returns *bytes* * 8. .. macro:: define leaf-frame-constructor :defining: Defines constructors for a given name. :macrocall: .. code-block:: dylan define leaf-frame-constructor (*constructor-name*) end :parameter constructor-name: name of the constructor. :description: Defines the generic function *constructor-name* and three specializations: :operations: - *constructor-name* :class:`` calls :gf:`parse-frame` - *constructor-name* :drm:``, converts the ```` into a ```` and calls *constructor-name*. - *constructor-name* :drm:``, which calls :gf:`read-frame`. Predefined Leaf Frames ---------------------- .. class:: :abstract: The superclass of all bit frames, concrete classes are defined with the :macro:`define n-bit-unsigned-integer`. :superclasses: :class:`` :operations: - :drm:`as` :drm:`` - :gf:`assemble-frame` - :gf:`parse-frame` - :gf:`read-frame` See also * :macro:`define n-bit-unsigned-integer` .. class:: A single bit, at the Dylan level a :drm:``. The :gf:`high-level-type` returns :drm:``. The :gf:`field-size` returns 1. :superclasses: :class:`` .. class:: A single byte, represented as a ` `_. :operations: - :gf:`high-level-type` returns ` `_. - :gf:`field-size` returns 8. :superclasses: :class:`` .. class:: :abstract: A byte vector of arbitrary size, provided externally. :superclasses: :class:`` .. class:: A :drm:`` of a certain length, externally delimited. The conversion method :drm:`as` is specialised on :drm:`` and ````. :superclasses: :class:`` .. note:: should be a variable-size translated leaf frame, if that is possible. .. class:: The bottom of the type hierarchy: if nothing is known, a ```` is all you can have. :gf:`hexdump` can be used to inspect the frame contents. :superclasses: :class:`` .. class:: :open: :abstract: A vector of any amount of bytes with a custom representation. Used amongst others for IP addresses, MAC addresses :superclasses: :class:`` :keyword data: The underlying byte vector. :operations: - :drm:`as` :drm:`` - :gf:`assemble-frame` - :gf:`parse-frame` - :gf:`read-frame` See also * :macro:`define n-byte-vector` .. class:: :abstract: A frame representing an :drm:`` of a certain size, depending on the size of the underlyaing byte vector. The macro :macro:`define n-byte-unsigned-integer-definer` defines subclasses with a certain size. :superclasses: :class:`` :operations: - :drm:`as` :drm:`` - :gf:`assemble-frame` - :gf:`parse-frame` - :gf:`read-frame` See also * :macro:`define n-byte-unsigned-integer` * :class:`` .. class:: :abstract: A frame representing an :drm:`` of a certain size, depending on the size of the underlying byte vector. The macro :macro:`define n-byte-unsigned-integer-definer` defines subclasses with a certain size. :superclasses: :class:`` :operations: - :drm:`as` :drm:`` - :gf:`assemble-frame` - :gf:`parse-frame` - :gf:`read-frame` See also * :macro:`define n-byte-unsigned-integer` * :class:`` 32 Bit Frames ------------- The :drm:`` type in Dylan is represented by only 30 bits, thus 32 bit frames which should be represented as a :drm:`` require a workaround. The workaround consists of using :class:`` and converting to :drm:`` values. .. note:: This hack is awful and should be replaced by native 32 bit integers, or machine words. .. class:: :superclasses: :class:`` .. class:: :superclasses: :class:`` .. generic-function:: big-endian-unsigned-integer-4byte :signature: big-endian-unsigned-integer-4byte (data) => (#rest results) :parameter data: An instance of ````. :value #rest results: An instance of ````. .. generic-function:: little-endian-unsigned-integer-4byte :signature: little-endian-unsigned-integer-4byte (data) => (#rest results) :parameter data: An instance of ````. :value #rest results: An instance of ````. .. function:: byte-vector-to-float-be :signature: byte-vector-to-float-be (bv) => (res) :parameter bv: An instance of ````. :value res: An instance of ````. .. function:: byte-vector-to-float-le :signature: byte-vector-to-float-le (bv) => (res) :parameter bv: An instance of ````. :value res: An instance of ````. .. function:: float-to-byte-vector-be :signature: float-to-byte-vector-be (float) => (res) :parameter float: An instance of ````. :value res: An instance of ````. .. function:: float-to-byte-vector-le :signature: float-to-byte-vector-le (float) => (res) :parameter float: An instance of ````. :value res: An instance of ````. Stretchy Vector Subsequences ============================ The underlying byte vector which is used in binary data is a :const:``. To allow zerocopy while parsing, and providing each frame parser only with a byte vector of the required size for the type, there is a :class:`` which tracks the byte-vector together with a start and end index. .. note:: Should live in a separate module and types can be narrowed a bit further. .. constant:: :type: :drm:`` :value: ``limited(, of: )`` .. class:: :abstract: :superclasses: :class:`` :keyword data: :keyword end: :keyword start: .. generic-function:: subsequence :signature: subsequence (seq) => (#rest results) :parameter seq: An instance of ````. :value #rest results: An instance of ````. .. class:: :superclasses: :class:`` .. generic-function:: decode-integer :signature: decode-integer (seq count) => (#rest results) :parameter seq: An instance of ````. :parameter count: An instance of ````. :value #rest results: An instance of ````. .. generic-function:: encode-integer :signature: encode-integer (value seq count) => (#rest results) :parameter value: An instance of ````. :parameter seq: An instance of ````. :parameter count: An instance of ````. :value #rest results: An instance of ````.