Conventions in this Manual

This chapter describes the conventions used in this manual and in the DUIM software itself.

Audience, goals, and purpose

This manual is intended for programmers using DUIM, and forms a complete reference for the Application Programmer’s Interface (API) for DUIM. You should also see Building Applications using DUIM for a description of how to start building applications using DUIM. At some points, the API also includes lower-level layers, which DUIM programmers are free to specialize.

The DUIM library is a set of interfaces that allow you to create graphical user interfaces (GUIs) for your application using Dylan code.

In this document, we may refer to two different audiences. A user is a person who uses an application program that was written using DUIM. A DUIM programmer is a person who writes application programs using DUIM. Generally, this manual assumes that you, the reader, are the programmer.

Example code fragments

Throughout this manual, example code fragments are provided at suitable points in the documentation. These provide short illustrations of how to use the interfaces being described. If you wish, you can run these examples interactively by typing them into the Dylan Playground.

A number of additional, longer examples are provided as part of the Harlequin Dylan installation, and are installed on your hard disk automatically. You can look at these examples and load them into the environment by clicking on the examples button in the main window of the Harlequin Dylan environment.

Longer examples are also provided and discussed fully in the Building Applications using DUIM, which you should refer to for an introduction to building DUIM applications.

Module structure

The functionality of DUIM is provided via a number of modules. Each chapter of this manual indicates what module its API is exported from.

The duim module is the main API module, which contains the variables for the API-level functions available.

The DUIM-Geometry Library module provides basic support for coordinate geometry. This allows the position of elements in a window object to be determined correctly.

The DUIM-Extended-Geometry Library module provides more extensive support for co-ordinate geometry that is only required for more specialist uses.

The DUIM-DCs Library module provides color support to the DUIM library.

The DUIM-Sheets Library module provides basic support for sheets. Sheets are the basic unit of window applications, and can be nested hierarchically to build up a complete user interface.

The DUIM-Graphics Library module provides support for graphics drawing

The DUIM-Layouts Library module provides support for a layout protocol that makes it easy to create and layout groups of related elements in a given interface. This module can handle layout problems such as the spacing and justification of a group of elements automatically.

The DUIM-Gadgets Library module provides all the gadgets available for use in the DUIM library. Gadgets are the sheet objects that make up any user interface, and the DUIM library supplies all the gadgets you will need in your applications.

The DUIM-Frames Library module provides support for frames. A DUIM frame is a combination of a set of nested sheets, together with an event loop that describes the behavior of the elements in those sheets. DUIM frames can be used to specify whether a given user interface is displayed in an application as a dialog box, or a more straightforward window, or as a task wizard, and so on.

The Dylan Playground should be used when you just want to experiment with DUIM code fragments without creating modules of your own. For real application code, of course, you should define your own modules and libraries and use the appropriate library code required by your application.

Spread point arguments to functions

Many functions that take point arguments come in two forms: structured and spread. Functions that take structured point arguments take the argument as a single point object. Functions that take spread point arguments take a pair of arguments that correspond to the x and y coordinates of the point.

Functions that take structured point arguments, or return structured point values have an asterisk in their name, for example, draw-line* .

Immutability of objects

Most DUIM objects are immutable, that is, at the API level none of their components can be modified once the object is created. Examples of immutable objects include all of the members of the <region> classes, pens, brushes, colors, and text styles. Since immutable objects by definition never change, functions in the DUIM API can safely capture immutable objects without first copying them. This also allows DUIM to cache immutable objects. Any make methods that return immutable objects are free to either create and return a new object, or return an already existing object.

A few DUIM objects are mutable. Some components of mutable objects can be modified once the object has been created, usually via setter functions.

In DUIM, object immutability is maintained at the class level. Throughout this specification, the immutability or mutability of a class will be explicitly specified.

Some immutable classes also allow interning. A class is said to be interning if it guarantees that two instances that are equivalent will always be ==. For example, the class <text-style> is interned, so calling make-text-style twice with the same arguments would return identical values.

In some rare cases, DUIM will modify objects that are members of immutable classes. Such objects are referred to as being volatile. Extreme care must be take with volatile objects. For example, objects of class <bounding-box> are often volatile.

Behavior of interfaces

Any interfaces that take or return mutable objects can be classified in a few different ways.

Most functions do not capture their mutable input objects, that is, these functions will either not store the objects at all, or will copy any mutable objects before storing them, or perhaps store only some of the components of the objects. Later modifications to those objects will not affect the internal state of DUIM.

Some functions may capture their mutable input objects. That is, it is not specified whether the mutable inputs to these functions will or will not be captured. For such functions, you should assume that these objects will be captured and must not modify these objects capriciously. Furthermore, the behavior is undefined if these objects are later modified.

Some functions that return mutable objects are guaranteed to create fresh outputs. These objects can be modified without affecting the internal state of DUIM.

Functions that return mutable objects that are not fresh objects fall into two categories:

  • Those that return read-only state

  • Those that return read/write state

If a function returns read-only state, programmers must not modify that object; doing so might corrupt the state of DUIM. If a function returns read/write state, the modification of that object is part of the DUIM interface, and you are free to modify the object in ways that make sense.

Specialized arguments to generic functions

Unless otherwise stated, this manual uses the following convention for specifying which arguments to generic functions are specialized:

  • If the generic function is a -setter function, the second argument is the one that is intended to be specialized.

  • If the generic function is a “mapping” function (such as do-sheets), the second argument (the object that specifies what is being mapped over) is the one that is specialized. The first argument (the functional argument) is not intended to be specialized.

  • Otherwise, the first argument is the one that is intended to be specialized.

Macros that expand into calls to advertised functions

Many macros that take a “body” argument expand into a call to an advertised function that takes a functional argument. This functional argument will execute the supplied body. For a macro named with-environment, the function is generally named do-with-environment. For example, with-drawing-options might be defined as follows:

define macro with-drawing-options
  { with-drawing-options
    (?medium:name, #rest ?keys:*) ?body:body end }
      => { begin
             let with-drawing-options-body =
               method (?medium) ?body end;
               with-drawing-options-body, ?keys)
           end }
end macro;

define method do-with-drawing-options
    (medium :: <medium>, function, #rest options)
  apply(merge-drawing-options-into-medium, medium, options);

Terminology pertaining to error conditions

When this documentation specifies that it “is an error” for some situation to occur, this means that:

  • No valid DUIM program should cause this situation to occur.

  • If this situation does occur, the effects and results are undefined.

  • DUIM often tries to detect such an error, but it might not.

When this manual specifies that some argument “must be a type “ or uses the phrase “the type argument”, this means that it is an error if the argument is not of the specified type. DUIM tries to detect such type errors, but it might not always be successful.

When this documentation says that “an error is signalled” in some situation, this means that:

  • If the situation occurs, DUIM will signal an error using error or cerror.

  • Valid DUIM programs may rely on the fact that an error will be signalled.

When this manual states that “a condition is signalled” in a given situation, this is the same as saying that “an error is signalled”, with the exception that the condition will be signalled using signal instead of error.