Release Check-list

There are a number of manual steps involved in making an Open Dylan release and it’s easy to forget one or two. Hopefully we can automate some of these but for now here is a manual check-list.

  1. Tell the Matrix channel that you plan to build a release.

  2. Update submodules to the latest stable version tags and document the version number changes in the release notes. This command may help:

    git submodule foreach --quiet 'echo -n "$name "; git describe --always --tags $sha1'

    What “stable” means isn’t well-defined; use your discretion. The important point is that libraries are bundled with the release so people may use them without explicitly requesting a specific version. Therefore they shouldn’t be allowed to get too stale.

  3. Test on supported platforms.

    • To ensure that you catch any bootstrapping dependency issues, make sure your active dylan-compiler is set to the previous release binary, not to a more recent local build.

    • Do a 3-stage boostrap: make distclean,, configure, make, make install, make dist.

    • Run make check and if anything fails that is not marked EXPECTED TO FAIL, fix the problem or discuss with others how to proceed.

    • As a smoke test, verify that the “Hello World” instructions work on each platform.

    TODO: This should be done automatically by GitHub CI. See which currently only runs on Ubuntu.

  4. Update the version number in the sources

    • In the release-info library

    • In the file

    • Do a git grep 2019.\\d to see if anything else needs to be updated.

  5. Update version numbers in build/unix/ to the latest stable versions of the relevant software (Clang+LLVM, the Boehm-Demers-Weiser garbage collector, and libunwind).

  6. Update the release notes if necessary. Don’t actually create the release yet, until the release notes have been committed.

    To determine what to put in the Contributors section of the notes, this command is useful (but modify the tag argument):

    git log --format=short --no-merges v2019.1.0..origin/master | grep '^Author: ' | sort | uniq -c | sort -n
  7. Create a draft release on GitHub

    This step is primarily to create the release tag in the git repo.

    On click the “Draft a release” button and create a release with name similar to “Open Dylan 2019.1”, tag similar to “v2019.1.0”, any description you like, and make sure the “This is a pre-release” box is checked.

    The major version is always the current year, the minor version is a number starting at 1 for the current year, and the patch version starts at 0.

  8. Build the binaries for supported platforms

    It’s best to build the release from a clean checkout to be sure that no uncommitted files become part of the release tarball. In particular, the entire “sources” directory is copied into the release, so any uncommitted files or a “_build” directory could be copied.

    On unix platforms:

    $ git clone --recursive
    $ cd opendylan
    $ git co v2019.1.0      # the tag you created above
    $ ./build/unix/

    Use the previous release as the bootstrap compiler so that we can be sure that works. If it doesn’t work, then opendylan/BUILDING.rst must be updated to indicate which version can be used to bootstrap the compiler.

    Ask Peter Housel to build the Windows release. :-)

  9. Upload the binaries to GitHub

    Edit the release created previously and upload the binaries. Do not uncheck the “This is a pre-release” checkbox yet.

  10. Test the tarballs

    In your own branch, modify the libraries-test-suite.yaml workflow to explicitly specify the new release version and tag so that it will be installed and tested on a clean machine on multiple platforms. You’ll have to go to your fork in the GitHub UI, click on Actions, and find the workflow runs.

  11. Upload binaries to

    The binaries go in /var/www/ abeaumont, cgay, and housel have access currently. (It’s nice to have a backup on a server that we own.)

  12. Update the Downloads page.

  13. Announce the release. Check previous announcements for ideas, but no need to slavishly copy the format.

Post-release Tasks

These items aren’t urgent but should be done after each release.

  1. Bump the OD version to something plausible, like 2023.1pre. Example pull request.

  2. Create a file in which to put the release notes for the next version. See the above example pull request.

  3. Update other packages

  4. Update to the new version. Requires cgay for now, but basically change the opendylan link to point to the new release, restart the playground, and compile an example so the next build goes fast.

  5. Update the install-opendylan GitHub Action to use the new release by default. Normally this just involves changing the default values for the “version” and “tag” inputs.

    Setting the new version as the default too quickly may be a bad idea. People can explicitly upgrade to it whenever they want by changing their CI to explicitly specify the new release.

  6. Update the Wikipedia page with the latest release version and date.