Open Dylan 2012.1 Release Notes


This document describes the 2012.1 release of Open Dylan, released December 19, 2012.

Language Specification Changes

We try to keep changes to the language definition few and far between and limited to things that are either necessary or clear advantages.

C3 Superclass Linearization

Open Dylan now uses the C3 superclass linearization algorithm. This algorithm was originally designed for Dylan but for historical reasons was never implemented in Dylan, until now. In most cases this change should not change the semantics of existing programs, but if it does the compiler will issue a serious warning. In a future release this will be changed to non-serious warning, and then eventually the warning will be removed completely.

See DEP-0003 for more details.

Library Changes

  • The CL-plists module in the cl library has been removed. Any usages of it can be replaced by using the plists module from the collections library. Additionally, the plists module has been documented.

  • Support for MacOS 9 locators has been removed. This is pre-OS X code and we don’t support Mac OS 9 as a platform.

  • The bit-vectors module in the collections library works correctly now on 64 bit platforms.

  • The floating point support in the common-dylan library has been enhanced.

  • The command-line-parser library has been relicensed and is now available for wider usage. This replaces old command parsing code. This library has not yet been documented, but it has been cleaned up substantially and the API is much more consistent.

  • load-library has now been implemented on Linux, Mac OS X and FreeBSD. Previously, this was only supported on Windows.

  • A new strings library replaces the string-extensions library. The new library provides a simpler API with all names exported from a single strings module. DEP-0004 is currently the best documentation for this library.

  • The string-extensions library has been removed. Use the strings library instead. Some of the functionality in string-extensions, such as character sets, was moved to the regular-expressions library, which was the only thing using it.

  • The functional-objects-extras module was not used and has been removed.

  • The *open-accessors* table has been removed from the I/O library.

  • Previously, sometimes using force-output() would also result in an fsync() without specifying synchronize?: #t. This has been corrected. If you want to make sure that something makes it to the disk, either use sychronize-output() or pass synchronize?: #t to force-output().

  • format-date from the system library is faster.

Documentation Improvements

  • All documentation has been converted to the Sphinx document generator. This is a huge improvement in our ability to keep the documentation up-to-date, modernizes its look and feel, and allows us to generate various output formats.

  • The core libraries documentation has been unified into one Dylan Library Reference document.

  • The documentation on using the Open Dylan Console Environment has been rewritten and expanded. A new section on the Dylan Interaction Mode for Emacs (DIME) has been added. See both in the Getting Started Guide.

dylan-compiler Improvements

Relocatable Executables and Libraries

Previously, the executables and libraries built by the Dylan compiler had to reside at a fixed path (set during compilation).

This has now been loosened up significantly on Linux, Mac OS X and FreeBSD. The same directory structure needs to be maintained with the bin and lib directories, but the location in the file system can change now.

On Linux and FreeBSD, this uses $ORIGIN support in the dynamic linker. On Mac OS X, this uses rpath support present in Mac OS X 10.5 and later.

Usability - Output and Locating Libraries

To simplify the build process, two changes were made to dylan-compiler:

  1. Build products are now stored in ./_build on non-Windows platforms instead of in ~/Open-Dylan. This may still be overridden via the OPEN_DYLAN_USER_ROOT environment variable if you prefer to re-use the same build products across multiple different projects, but we don’t recommend it.

  2. If the directory ./registry exists, the compiler will add it to the beginning of the OPEN_DYLAN_USER_REGISTRIES environment variable so that those registry entries take precedence over others.

The intention is that for projects that use several other projects one can now use git submodules and a project “registry” directory to make the following work:

$ git clone --recursive <url>
$ cd <project-directory>
$ dylan-compiler -build <project-name>

In the past it would be necessary to set various environment variables and clone the central “registry” repository. A minor side-effect of this change is that if you work on several distinct projects you will initially have to build all dependencies, down to and including the dylan library.

Debug Back-end Improvements

The debug back-end is used for printing the internal compiler state (the DFM).

  • calls are printed with more detail.

  • keyword and constrain type checks are printed more accurately.

  • primitive invocations of C functions via FFI are printed correctly.

Documentation Generation

In addition to the documentation updates, we’ve also enhanced the documentation generation feature within dylan-compiler to output the new format. This can be used by, first loading and compiling a library and then:

> export -format rst interface-reference

In a future release, the support currently present for the XML formatted documentation will be removed.

Dependency Graph Generation

You can now generate a dependency graph (at the library level) for a project in both text and GraphViz .dot format. Open a project and:

> export -format dot dependency-graph

or, for plain text:

> export dependency-graph

Code Generation Improvements

Limited Collections

There were some bugs and some missed opportunities for optimization in the limited collections code.

Consider the following constant:

define constant <float-vec> = limited(<vector>, of: <single-float>, size: 3);

The subtype relation was broken when the size: keyword is present:

let v = make(<float-vec>, fill: 0.0);
instance?(v, <float-vec>);  // returns #f

This required fixing of instance? both in dfmc/modeling/types and dylan/type.

Another issue with the same code was that the size method was not constant-folded at compile-time:

foo[1] := sin(foo[0]);

This line of code lead to the following intermediate (DFM) code, which includes range checks (for both index 0 and 1):

t32 := SLOT-VALUE-INITD({{ foo }}, size)
t39 := [PRIMOP cast-integer-as-raw(t32)]
t44 := [PRIMOP machine-word-unsigned-less-than?(^%1, t39)]
IF (t44)
  t51 := REPEATED-SLOT-VALUE({{ foo }}, single-float-vector-element, ^%1)
  *t28(1) := [CALLi ^{<&method> element-range-error (<collection>, <object>)}({{ foo }}, ^0)]
  t71 := *t28(1) [0]
  t70 := [PRIMOP single-float-as-raw(t71)]
t74 := [IF-MERGE t51 t70]
t67 := [PRIMOP single-float-sin(t74)]
t68 := [PRIMOP raw-as-single-float(t67)]
t85 := [PRIMOP machine-word-unsigned-less-than?(^%5, t39)]
IF (t85)
  REPEATED-SLOT-VALUE({{ foo }}, single-float-vector-element, ^%5) := t67
  [CALLi ^{<&method> element-range-error (<collection>, <object>)}({{ foo }}, ^1)]
[IF-MERGE #f #f]

The same Dylan code is now translated into the following DFM code:

t19 := REPEATED-SLOT-VALUE({{ foo }}, single-float-vector-element, ^%1)
t20 := [PRIMOP single-float-sin(t19)]
t21 := [PRIMOP raw-as-single-float(t20)]
REPEATED-SLOT-VALUE({{ foo }}, single-float-vector-element, ^%5) := t20

This required fixes in the modeling, typist and optimization parts of the compiler.

A third issue was that the type inference always used the inferred type of the actual instance. This failed for primitive types, <single-float> was used instead of <raw-single-float>. This lead towards code which the C compiler could not compile (incompatible code in assignment):

a[0] := - a[0];

This required a fix in the typist.

Miscellaneous Fixes

The control flow graph could be incorrect if an unwind-protect without a body is optimized.

Some slot initializer constants (floats in particular) when inherited between classes in different files would result in compilation errors.

The compiler would crash when the dimensions: keyword was not given when constructing an <array>.

The compiler now warns rather than crashes on invalid inherited slot specifications.

C Back-end Changes


The C back-end now fully supports multi-threading. Several bugs unrelated to threading were also fixed in this work, which should improve the stability of the C back-end in general.

This work is currently experimental and may have stability and performance issues. Further feedback is welcome.

Performance Improvements

Previously, the C run-time was allocating unwind-protect control structures on the heap using the Garbage Collector. Additionally, unwind-protect was preserving signal state on some platforms, notably Mac OS X. Together, this led to the C back-end being notably slower than the native HARP back-end when unwind-protects were used.

This has been fixed and the resulting code can run in 50-80% of the time that it previously took. This is particularly true for users of the I/O libraries which make heavy use of unwind-protect.

The C back-end was previously performing 2 type checks on keyword arguments. It now correctly only performs this check once.

Shared Library Initialization

The C back-end now generates shared libraries which can be used with dlopen(). This behavior is in line with the libraries generated by the native HARP back-end.


Some other bugs that resulted in the generation of invalid C have been fixed.

We now abort when applying too many arguments in C run-time.

A compilation crash with C back-end when trying to emit an overflown integer has been fixed.

Stack usage in method dispatch has been reduced. This fixes an issue where a default sized stack would be exhausted on 64 bit platforms, especially while building the compiler.

Floating point constants could in some circumstances be corrupted when compiled.

C-FFI Changes

C-variable setters

Setters should work with C-variables now.

Constant Slot Syntax

You can now use constant slot when defining a C-struct rather than having to set setter: #f. This makes the syntax closer to normal class definitions:

define C-struct <Point>
  constant slot x-coord :: <C-unsigned-short>;
  constant slot y-coord :: <C-unsigned-short>;

Other Changes

Running dylan-compiler under gdb with fdmake

Sometimes, it is useful to be able to run dylan-compiler under gdb while doing a bootstrap build using fdmake. This is now easy to do:

make FDMAKE_OPTIONS=--gdb 3-stage-bootstrap

Unfortunately, gdb doesn’t return a correct exit status, so the build will fail after the first invocation of dylan-compiler, but this is useful when looking into repeatable crashes.