
Pacman is the Dylan package manager library. It knows how to find packages in the catalog, install them, and how to resolve dependencies between them.

This documentation describes the package model and how versioned dependencies are resolved. Users generally manage workspaces and packages via the dylan command.


A package is blob of data with an associated version which can be downloaded from the network and unpacked into a directory of files. All packages must have a dylan-package.json file in their top-level directory to specify dependencies and other package metadata.


In this beta version of pacman packages must be git repositories, downloadable with the git clone command. In the future pacman will support downloading and installing arbitrary compressed file bundles so that it isn’t tied to a specific VCS.

Package Versions

New versions of a package are released from time to time and each release has a Semantic Version associated with it. When specifying a package dependency we identify a particular release we want to depend on with the syntax "<package>@<version>".

For example, "abc@1.2.3" identifies the release of package abc having Semantic Version 1.2.3 (major version 1, minor version 2, and patch version 3).


Pacman doesn’t support pre-release and build identifiers yet. For example, in “abc@1.2.3-alpha1+build1”. Support will be added in the future.

How the package name and version are used to locate the package depends on the “package transport”. Git is currently the only transport, and for any given semantic version 1.2.3 there must be a corresponding Git tag v1.2.3 in the package’s Git repository. Ensure that you creat such a tag when publishing a numbered release of your package. (This can be done easily via the GitHub UI, or by using the Git command.)

It is also possible to use other Git refs when specifying a dependency:




Use the version specified by <semver>. For example “abc@1.2”. See Dependency Resolution for details of how competing dependencies are resolved.


Same as abc@latest.


Use the latest numbered, non-pre-release version.


Use the branch/tag/ref specified by <ref> instead of a semantic version.

When a package is published to the pacman catalog, its dependencies must be specified with Semantic Versions so that user builds will be reproducible. abc@latest and abc@<ref> are prohibited in the catalog and are primarily intended for use during development.

The Package File - dylan-package.json

Packages are described by a dylan-package.json file in the package’s top-level directory. This file contains the name, description, dependencies, and other metadata for the package. Let’s look at the dylan-package.json file for dylan-tool itself:

    "name": "dylan-tool",
    "version": "0.6.0",
    "category": "language-tools",
    "contact": "",
    "description": "Manage Dylan workspaces, packages, and registries",
    "keywords": ["workspace", "package"],
    "dependencies": [
    "dev-dependencies": [
    "url": ""

Required Package Attributes


The package name. This name may differ from the containing directory and/or from the package repository URL, although it’s usually less confusing if they’re the same.


A brief description of the package intended to be displayed to users who are searching for the packages they need. In some contexts (for example the dylan list command) this may be truncated to only display the first sentence, or even less, so special care should be used when writing this part of the description.


URL of the Git repository for the package.


A string designating the Semantic Version of the package.

Optional Package Attributes


Reserved for future use.


A string giving users a way to contact you about the package. Usually an email address or an issue tracker URL.


A list of package dependencies. Each dependency is a string identifying a specific release of another package. These dependencies are transitive; any package that depends on your package necessarily has your dependencies as well as the ones they list explicitly in their package file. See the example above and see Dependency Resolution for how conflicts are handled.


A list of package dependencies that are only needed for development purposes, such as testing. These dependencies are not propagated to other packages that depend on this package. Put another way, these dependencies are not transitive. See Dependency Resolution.


A list of strings with additional keywords that might be useful to help users find the package if they don’t already occur in the “description” attribute.


A string indicating the license under which the package’s software is released.


A URL with the location of the license text. (This attribute is planned to be merged with “license”, which will become a map with various subattributes.)

Dependency Resolution

When the dylan command is asked to update a workspace it asks pacman to resolve the dependencies specified in the dylan-package.json file and to install the resolved versions of those packages. So how does pacman do the package resolution, especially if two packages depend on different versions of a third package?

The long answer is that pacman uses minimal version selection (MVS). To read more than you ever wanted to know about this subject unless you’re Russ Cox, check out In particular, check out the principles post in that series, for motivation. What follows is a very brief summary of minimal version selection and certain aspects that are specific to pacman.

Unlike most traditional package systems, in which when you specify version 1.2 you are really saying “give me the latest version that is at least 1.2”, with MVS you are saying “give me the lowest version that is at least 1.2”. Why would you want this? Isn’t it a feature to get the latest compatible software when you build? Well, in fact, a much better feature is to get a repeatable build each time. That is what MVS provides.

If the latest versions are preferred, then building your code today may very well result in a different binary, with different bugs, than when you build your code tomorrow.


Let’s say you build an application that depends on (and you have tested with) strings@2.5 and http@1.3, and that http@1.3 itself depends on strings@2.4.2. Further, let’s assume that there are three patch versions of strings@2.5: strings@2.5.0, strings@2.5.1, and strings@2.5.2. Which version of strings should pacman install?

The answer is strings@2.5.0 because that is the minimum version that is compatible with both strings@2.5 (which is the same as strings@2.5.0) and strings@2.4.2 based on SemVer 2.0 rules.

What if http@1.3 instead depended on strings@3.0.1? In this case pacman would signal an error because strings@2.5 is not compatible with strings@3.0.1 since they have different major versions.

You could say that MVS uses the maximum (compatible) specified minimum version.

Dev Dependencies

In addition to the primary set of dependencies for each package there may be a set of “dev dependencies” to pull in software that is used only during development. The canonical example of a dev dependency is the test framework library testworks, which itself depends on several other packages.

When resolving dependencies for a package, dev dependencies may or may not be considered, depending on context. When updating a development workspace they are resolved along with the primary dependencies.


Currently, updating a workspace is the only context, so in practice dev dependencies are always considered. When/if we integrate pacman into the Dylan build process it will be necessary to have both a dev build and a production build. The prod build will exclude dev dependencies.

So how do dev dependencies interact with the main dependencies? If there is a package that is depended on by both a main and a dev dependency then the main dependency is always preferred, even if it wouldn’t normally be chosen based on minimal version selection rules. The reason for this is simple: we want to use the same software when developing as would be used when running in production; otherwise, we’re testing the wrong software.


Most Dylan libraries have a dev dependency on testworks. Testworks itself depends on strings. Let’s say our main library transitively depends on strings@1.0 and testworks depends on strings@1.1. In this case strings@1.0 is used even though it’s older than what Testworks requests, because Testworks is only a dev dependency.

Note that dev dependencies are never transitive. That is, if package A depends on package B and package B has a dev dependency on C this does not mean that A depends on C. (A may depend on C via some other path, but not via B’s dev dependency.)